Dry Eye Prevention Tips

When your eyes feel dry or scratchy, you might be experiencing a condition called dry eye. Other symptoms include blurred vision, eye redness, light sensitivity and a burning feeling. You can develop dry eye if your eye glands have trouble making enough tears or if you have tears that dry up too quickly. Dry eye symptoms can make everyday tasks uncomfortable, especially if you need to stare at a computer screen for hours, drive, or do other activities. At Eyes Over Copley in Greater Boston, MA, we offer eye care to help ease this condition. You can also make the following lifestyle changes to help lower your risk of dry eye.

Keep Screen Time Limited

Starting at a computer or phone screen for several hours can strain your eyes and raise your risk of dry eye. Limit the amount of time you spend looking at screens. If this isn’t possible due to your job, make sure you take breaks to give your eyes a rest from screens.

Avoid Environmental Triggers

Certain elements in your environment might trigger dry eye symptoms, such as smoke or wind. If these bother your eyes, avoid exposure to them as much as possible. Wear protective eye gear to shield your eyes from smoke or wind exposure if you work outside.

Increase Humidity Levels in Your Home

Having a dry home can irritate your eyes. Use a humidifier to raise the humidity levels in your home if needed. Keep in mind that air conditioning may remove moisture from the air in your home.

Stay Hydrated

Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day to help you stay hydrated.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Getting enough sleep might help lower your risk of having dry eye symptoms or lessen any symptoms you already have.

Schedule an Optometrist Eye Exam

Routine eye exams can help our optometry team check for dry eye. If you have symptoms, plan on seeing our optometrist. Eye exam services might be important to determine the cause of dry eye and the right treatments, such as eye drops.


Get an Eye Exam from an Optometrist for Your Dry Eye Symptoms

If you have dry eye symptoms and need relief, contact us at Eyes Over Copley to see an optometrist. Our eye exam services with our eye doctor in the Boston Metropolitan Area can help ensure an accurate diagnosis and treatment. You can also find out more about how to prevent dry eye, so you can experience ongoing relief from these symptoms and protect your vision. Call us at (617) 859-0630 for eye from an “optometrist near me” in the Greater Boston, MA, area.





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