Glaucoma Treatment

Glaucoma is a serious eye condition that affects the optic nerve, which is crucial for transmitting visual information from the eye to the brain. It is often linked to elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) and can result in damage to the nerve over time. At Eyes Over Copley in Boston, MA, we provide personalized treatments to manage glaucoma effectively and prevent vision loss.

diagram of healthy eye vs eye with glaucoma

Causes and Risk Factors

Glaucoma primarily results from a build-up of fluid within the eye, leading to elevated intraocular pressure. This pressure can gradually damage the optic nerve and impar vision. While the exact cause of fluid accumulation may vary, several risk factors contribute to the development of glaucoma:

•           Genetics: A family history of glaucoma increases the likelihood of developing the condition.

•           Age: Individuals over the age of 60 are at a higher risk.

•           Ethnicity: Certain populations, such as African Americans and Hispanics, are more susceptible.

•           Eye Injuries: Previous injuries or trauma to the eye can raise the risk of glaucoma.

•           Medical Conditions: Conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure can also contribute to glaucoma risk.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Glaucoma often progresses without noticeable symptoms in its early stages. However, as the disease advances, individuals may experience symptoms such as:

•           Peripheral Vision Loss: A gradual decrease in the ability to see objects to the sides.

•           Tunnel Vision: Reduced vision in the central field, leading to a narrowing of the visual field.

•           Blurry Vision: Difficulty focusing or seeing clearly.

•           Eye Pain: In some cases, acute glaucoma can cause severe eye pain and headaches.

Regular eye exams are crucial for detecting glaucoma early, as many individuals do not experience symptoms until significant damage has occurred. Our optometrist will perform an eye exam, which measures intraocular pressure and evaluates the optic nerve, to diagnose glaucoma.

Treatment for Glaucoma

Effective treatment for glaucoma focuses on lowering intraocular pressure to protect the optic nerve. This typically involves medications, such as eye drops or medications, to reduce pressure. Our eye doctor may also recommend laser therapy, such as laser trabeculoplasty, to improve fluid drainage from the eye. In advanced cases, surgery might be needed to create a new drainage pathway or further reduce pressure.

Contact Eyes Over Copley for an Appointment Today

Don’t wait to address your glaucoma concerns. Contact Eyes Over Copley in Boston, MA, at (617) 859-0640 today to schedule a comprehensive eye exam. Early detection and proactive management are key to preserving your vision. When you need an eye doctor near you, we look forward to assisting you!





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